Three Ancient Weight Loss Tips That Really Work

More and more experts are beginning to realize today that the best way to lose belly fat fast and lose weight quickly is to return to our roots as humans. These weight loss tips will have you lose body fat in no time. Forget calorie-counting diets and pills. Forget cravings, long, strenuous cardio sessions, and weird eating schedules. 

1. Keep your sugar and carb intake low! Not only will this help stop inflammation and lose weight quickly, but it will also improve your overall health. For the purpose of weight loss, no more than 150 grams of carbs should be consumed daily. Ensure that this comes mostly from vegetables and fruits. Berries in particular are an exceptionally healthy source of anti-oxidants and should be eaten often. 

2. Eat the best quality food you can afford. Grass fed meat, farm raised eggs, wild-caught fish and seafood, etc. Definitely avoid any foods full of hydrogenated oils and fats, and other chemicals. Also, add Omega-3 supplements to your diet for a powerful anti-inflammatory boost. 

3. Avoid grains and dairy! Grains are unnatural to our bodies, and are the root cause of most of the health problems facing western civilization. Their very structure is such that it discourages all but the most specialized animals from consuming them due to their protective toxins and anti-nutrients. Your average carton of milk off the grocery store is pasteurized and devoid of any real nutrients, and comes loaded with a ton of carbs. However, fermented dairy such as kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt (unsweetened, pro-biotic) and even cheese are all excellent foods that should become a staple of your weight-loss diet. 

So as you can see, eating the way our ancestors have for thousands of generations, is the best way to obtain life-long fitness and health. Follow these three simple weight loss tips [] and you'll find yourself dropping pant sizes in no time.
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Three Ancient Weight Loss Tips That Really Work Three Ancient Weight Loss Tips That Really Work Reviewed by Lily on May 18, 2020 Rating: 5
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