7 Day Sugar Detox Diet Plan - Lose Up to 10 Pounds

7 Day Meal Plan - Your Sugar Detox Diet Simplified: 

The secret to removing sugar from your diet and still being satisfied lies in modifying your favorite foods and making sure that you're not left feeling deprived. The trick is to make healthier and more substantial substitution that please your taste buds. For example, rather than having a big slice of chocolate cake for dessert, you can satisfy your longing for sweetness with a healthy fruit salad and still stay safely within the guidelines of your sugar detox diet. And as the toxins leave your body and your taste buds start to improve, you will marvel at just how scrumptious fresh fruit actually is! 

Here is a Sample 7-day Menu: 

Day 1. Breakfast: Eggs cooked fried with avocado or olive oil, avocado, handful of spinach 
Snack: Raw vegetables and spicy Mediterranean dip 

Lunch, Turkey lettuce cups, tossed green salad with tomatoes, sweet peppers, and cucumbers, dressed with vinegar and olive oil 

Snack: Tomato, cucumber, and feta salad 

Dinner Chicken, grilled with fresh herbs, light vegetable soup, cauliflower rice lightly sauteed 

Day 2. Breakfast: Blueberry smoothie - 1 1/2 cups almond milk, a cup of frozen blueberries, 1 portion protein powder, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 1 tbsp coconut oil, handful spinach, and ice 

Snack, 3 hard-boiled eggs, remove the yolks if you desire 

Lunch, Light vegetable soup, green salad with tomatoes, sweet peppers, and cucumber dress with vinegar and extra virgin olive oil 

Snack, Vegetables (celery, cucumber, bell pepper, or carrots), hummus 

Dinner Italian green bean salad with low-carb cheesy bread sticks 

Day 3. Breakfast: Eggs, scrambled, with sauteed spinach 8 mushrooms and salsa (check for added sugar) 

Snack, Handful of Tamari almonds 

Lunch, Light veggie soup, zucchini noodles 

Snack, Raw Vegetables with spinach dip 

Dinner Baked organic chicken breast, roasted asparagus with salt, pepper, and nutritional yeast 

Day 4. Breakfast: Feta fritter with sun-dried tomatoes 

Snack, Apple, 2 tbsp almond butter 

Lunch, Avocado egg salad with mixed greens or have it over some seeded crackers 

Snack, Low fat cottage cheese (1/2 cup) on cucumber slices 

Dinner, Turkey lettuce wraps with sauteed peppers, mushrooms, spinach 

Day 5. Breakfast: Peanut butter smoothie (2 cups almond milk, handful of spinach, 1/2 cup frozen zucchini, 2 tbsp cacao nibs, 2 tbsp peanut powder or peanut butter, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 1 tbsp coconut oil 

Snack: Tamari almonds Lunch, Cilantro Chicken Salad 

Lunch, Low-carb sweet pepper poppers, green salad with lemon and olive oil dressing 

Snack, 3 hard-boiled eggs, remove yolks if desired 

Dinner: Lettuce-wrap beef burger with onion and tomatoes, sweet potato wedges (tossed lightly with olive oil and seasoned with chili powder, salt, and pepper), green salad dressed with olive oil and lemon 

Day 6. Breakfast: Cheese and spinach omelet 

Snack, 1/2 cup ricotta with 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract, with vanilla stevia to taste 

Lunch, Low-carb sweet pepper poppers, green salad with lemon and olive oil dressing 

Snack, Peanut butter (or any other nut butter with no sugar added) on celery 

Dinner Stuffed chicken, mushroom, and spinach (baked), with tomato, cucumber, feta salad 

Day 7 Breakfast, Crust-less egg muffin, single serve 

Snack, Small handful of blueberries 

Lunch, Chicken broth (chopped green onion and cilantro, pink salt, turmeric, ground pepper, red chit flakes), organic chicken breast seared and diced 

Snack, Small portion of raw nuts 

Dinner, Chicken drumsticks with garlic and lemon, zucchini noodles 

Remember that this is a sample menu and it is easily interchangeable and adaptable to suit your needs, so feel free to swap around a few of the options and customize the menu plan to make it work for you. 

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9922535
7 Day Sugar Detox Diet Plan - Lose Up to 10 Pounds 7 Day Sugar Detox Diet Plan - Lose Up to 10 Pounds Reviewed by Lily on June 10, 2020 Rating: 5
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