Here are 4 powerful fat burning detox drinks for flat tummy to help you lose belly fat in less than 1 week! Losing belly fat is not as complicated as you may think, consuming a low-calorie diet and drinking homemade weight loss drinks can help put your metabolism in fat burning mode quickly.
Before starting any detox plan, you must remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day and consume more green vegetables plus high vitamin C and calcium-rich fruits to speed up the detoxification and weight loss process!
1. Lemon And Mint Detox Water
Lemon is the most used fruit during summers. It's extensively used in summer coolers and traditional health drinks in India and around the world. Lemon boosts weight loss and also helps in rejuvenating your skin. Add a few leaves of mint of pudina to the mix and you have a winner of a detox drink that cools you down naturally, aides in weight loss, maintains digestive health and keeps you hydrated.
2. Cucumber Detox Water
Cucumber is a summer gourd that is an essential diet addition during the season. Cucumber is also a rich source of vitamin B, potassium and magnesium. It has detoxifying properties and is also low in calories. Cucumber can also help in weight loss as it curbs appetite and is full of satiating fiber.
3. Apple And Cinnamon Detox Water
Apple and cinnamon is a fat burning combination that you can use to your advantage this summer. You can even add in a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to the drink, to boost its fat burning power. Cinnamon is a spice which naturally boosts your metabolism, while apple keeps you full for longer.
4. Grapefruit Detox Water
Grapefruit may be one of the best fat burning fruits out there. When eaten before your meals, this citrus fruit may help you in losing weight. It's incredibly nutritious too. Add a few pieces of grapefruit to your infused waters to increase their fat burning capacity and make them naturally sweeter.
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Fat Burning Detox Drinks For Flat Tummy - Best Detox Waters To Burn Fat Quicker
Reviewed by Lily
June 21, 2020