Who hasn't heard of honey and lemon? What a great combination these two make. The Romans were incredible when it came to exploring and using what nature provides us with and there is much documentation of their uses for both honey and lemon. They used this wonderful combination for curing all types of poisons.
They may not have been aware of just how this tasty concoction worked; this was obviously experimented with by their ancient medicine men who through trial and error discovered its many uses for curing many of their ailments.
I'm sure most of you are aware of the age old remedy of lemon and honey as a hot comforting drink when we have those irritating coughs and colds but not many of us are aware of the many other uses for honey and lemons.
Honey and lemon as a hot drink will soothe and calm the membranes in the throat when it is sore or you have those irritating tickly coughs.
Along with healthy honey, healthy lemons will help relieve you of many health problems too; you don't have to be a Roman.
The health benefits of honey include its natural antibiotics and ability to kill off most infections including bad bacteria without affecting the "good bacteria" we need to keep our systems healthy and in good working order.
The health benefits of lemon include its high content of vitamin C which helps to ward off colds, coughs and the dreaded seasonal flu but also has the ability to keep our bones and teeth healthy because lemons contain Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium also.
Honey helps our bodies absorb that all important Calcium. These two ingredients also help to prevent bacteria forming which can include the cause of tonsillitis and urine infections.
Although people will wonder about this as they believe lemons to be very acidic. As soon as lemon enters your digestive system it turns alkali which helps to flush out your urine infection. Lemons and honey will boost your immune system flushing out all those awful toxins and will stimulate your liver.
The lemon is low in calories and when combined with the benefits of honey to sweeten food and drinks also serves as a great natural alternative to sugar and sugar substitutes which are really unnecessary in our every day diets.
We know the importance of buying a good raw or organic honey, never a fake one mixed with goodness knows what but just looks pretty in the jar. This can be so annoying so its best to check the label to ensure nothing untoward has been added.
Would you like to know the best way to check for a really good lemon? Here is a great tip to help you. At the end of a lemon is a little star point, this is otherwise known as a calyx. The star can have few or many points and the more points it has the better, no fewer than four is best. The lemons should also be unwaxed.
The best way to prepare your honey and lemon is:
Fill a clean saucepan with a litre of fresh water
Pop a large lemon or two if they're only small into the water and simmer together for at least 10 minutes
When the water has cooled, squeeze the juice from the lemon into the mixture and add three large spoonfuls of honey.
Try to drink this first thing in the morning or as a refreshing drink which is especially nice with ice and warm it gently for that sore throat and cough.
The honey together with the lemons will help to calm your anxieties, help you to reduce weight as part of a calorie controlled diet and just help to make you feel a whole lot better.
Enjoy your honey and lemon and try substituting that milk and sugar in your tea for a while, you'll soon be hooked on it and will feel so much healthier too.
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Source: [http://www.health-benefits-of-honey.com/lemonandhoney.html]
Janette Marshall (my friends call me Jan) is totally passionate about the health giving properties of honey, all the benefits of honey and the little honey bees that work so hard to make them. She is the owner and author of [http://www.health-benefits-of-honey.com] a rich and resourceful reference point for lovers of honey.
Health Benefits Of Lemon Honey Water Worth Knowing - The Amazing Uses of Honey and Lemons
Reviewed by Lily
July 03, 2020