The Negative Side Effects of Birth Control That You Should Know

Birth controls in whatever form has side effects. No matter what method of controls such as natural, barrier, contraceptives, implants and others. You will still feel slight effects, although the degree varies accordingly. 

Natural Methods 

This method is what we call penile withdrawal. The man's penis is automatically withdrawn before they ejaculate. The side effects are not that essential compared to other methods, but the negative aspect of this birth control method is the fact that the woman can get pregnant. Therefore it is wise to use other contraceptive if you don't want to get someone pregnant. 

Contraceptive Pills 

The side effects are depending on the type of pills that you take. There are presently two types of pills; the first is the oral pill that contains estrogen and the other one is the progesterone hormones and Minipil that has progesterone only. Most women of all ages taking the oral pill will not feel any bad side effects, but still it depend on the person taking the pills. 

Some can still experience nausea, breast enlargement, mood swings, tummy cramps, headaches and bleeding in between periods. Also an occasional but serious thrombosis, heart attack and stroke. This is only common to women 35 and up who smoke and has high hypertension or condition of blood. With contraceptive you can also experiences temporary discontinue of your menstrual after you stop taking the pills, sometimes lasting for more than 6 months. If this is the case consult with your doctor. 

Barrier Methods 

The method will require both male and female to wear condoms, spermicides and diaphragms. The side effects are allergy, burning sensation and skin rash. This can be prevented if you use hypo-allergenic products or completely stop using it. Aside from these, men sometimes avoid condoms since it lowers their sexual appetite. But the good thing with condoms is that you are protected from sexually transmitted diseases. It is advisable to use condoms especially if you're into casual sex. 

Implants, IUD's and Injectables 

These birth control pills have side effects of nausea, depression, fluid retention, weight gain and mood swings. Whatever form of birth control method use it is also wise to use one, if you don't plan on having a child to take for at these present time. 

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The Negative Side Effects of Birth Control That You Should Know The Negative Side Effects of Birth Control That You Should Know Reviewed by Lily on July 28, 2020 Rating: 5
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