Quick and Easy Weight Loss Guide - How to lose weight fast

This is going to be a seriously abridged version of my exciting NEW book. 

I put this together because it can be an all in one reference guide to smart steps towards increasing weight loss, and the things to watch out for. Like the Cookie Monster. He’ll get you in the middle of the night. 

So without further adue, let’s get started. We’ll start from the beginning. Again, this is gonna be the bare bone basics. 

You will need to read the book in order to get it all explained in detail. This is just to be used as a reminder of what to do, and what not to do. 

Remember to plan your meals ahead of time. Space your meals out. Go with 5-6 small meals, this keeps your metabolism up all day. 

Big meals once or twice a day reminds your body of famine. It tries to hoard everything it can, and is not sure when the next meal is coming. 

Better to play it safe than sorry. 

Avoid the Man made foods. It’s very high in calories and useless ones at that. Avoid pizza, yes we all love it. But a good pizza can account for the majority of our daily calories. Believe me, I’ve done the math. Add weight lifting to your regimen. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. Try and do some aerobic work at least 3 days a week. Wanna a big tip? 

Do your aerobic work first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. You’ll burn the fat! Some people understand this, and others don’t really know what this translates to. Put it this way. The 45 min. aerobic workout you do in the morning, it would take 2 hrs. and 15 min. to get the same effect if you do this same workout at night!! 

Do not drink sodas. Drink only juices and water. A carb/energy drink is OK for workouts, and actually highly recommended. 

Do count your calories. You would be amazed at how many calories we consume by drinking fluids. Sometimes 2/3 of our allotted caloric intake for the day. 

A quick and easy formula to find your recommended caloric intake is to take your bodyweight and multiply by 10. This is your recommended daily caloric intake. Very simple. 

Vitamins, take them. In my book I cover a few vitamins that have been proven to help you lose weight. A few of them are Vitamin C, Chromium Picolinate, and Calcium. We also discuss vitamins that overweight children are deficient in. 

Drink water, and lots of it. Drinking 10 glasses a day stops water retention. Less weight and you avoid looking bloated. Try not to eat after 6 p.m. Your metabolism has pretty much shut down by then. For a snack try Air popped popcorn or a protein shake an hour or two before you go to sleep. 

Eat to live, don’t live to eat. 

Weigh yourself daily. Same time every day. Make adjustments as necessary. On my 10 wk. program it is absolutely no problem to lose up to 25 lbs. of unwanted weight. 

Train your abs daily. Yes they are pesky. But a 15 min. daily investment will give you the look you want. I recently did one of those ab contests, put it this way. They wouldn’t even submit my photos. You should have seen the top 10. Very curious. 

That being said I also have an E-book dedicated solely to your abdominals. It’s called “Competition abs”, check it out. Go to [http://www.thermoloss3-diet.com]. Very informative. Provides you with a 10 wk. program. Takes you from A to Z. Different routine every week. 

Variety is the spice of life! 

Start your day early. 

Copyright Sybs Technologies, 2005 
Joshua Carson is an author, freelance writer, and fitness guru. He is founder of Sybs Technologies inc. A nutrition company that is focusing on energy products. For more information please visit [http://www.thermoloss3-diet.com] 
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/75841
Quick and Easy Weight Loss Guide - How to lose weight fast Quick and Easy Weight Loss Guide - How to lose weight fast Reviewed by Lily on January 11, 2021 Rating: 5
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