Doctors recommend that adults have periodic examinations called a colonoscopy. Doing so helps to prevent cancers and tumors from forming or at least you will be able to have it treated if it is caught early enough. There are several ways that we can detoxify our colon which will help us to stay healthy:
* One of the quickest and perhaps easiest recommendations is to just take a good herbal supplement that has been clinically proven to work well. Digest it Colon Cleanse is an excellent supplement to consider
* Another way is to simply drink lemon water throughout the day
* Use a good detox tea, peppermint or lemon tea. There are large selections at your local health food store
* A simple juice detoxification (Fresh juices) A good juicer would be very useful
* Epsom salt can be used as a natural laxative. See your doctor for this one because it could interact with your medication
* Drink plenty of water
* Stay active because it will help to tone muscles used for bowel movements and certain to aid with losing weight
It should noted that it is important to use wisdom in applying all of these suggestions. This is not medical advice but what I believe to be helpful tips to aid in your weight loss and the cleansing of your colon. I will also add to the suggestions above by saying that for this plan to really work you should abstain from heavy meals, refined sugars, sodas, and other junk foods such as potato chips and similar processed foods during the period of time that you will be going through your purification. Eating or drinking these types of food and drink is a definite no- no if you are serious about taking care of your body.
There is an excellent product called Digest it Colon Cleanse which provides the scrubbing action inside our bodies that we need to stay and keep healthy along with the other recommendations listed above. After you have applied the above suggestions and return to normal eating habits, it is important to chew each bite of food at least 30 to 40 times so that we may digest it properly. We need to be wise in our food choices in order to stay on the right path of optimal health. Applying this information should lower our chances of diseases and the attack of free radicals in our body.
Hope that you get and stay on the right to optimum health. Remember to aid in the process of taking those unwanted pounds off, it imperative we cleanse the colon too, especially those of us that are up in age. When we do so we could be eliminating up to 25 pounds or more of fecal matter in the intestines. Think about that. Do your own research and take the necessary action to get healthy. After all it is your health and you only have one body. What does it mean to you?
>> Must read: Discover How Women & Men Over 50 Are Dropping Pounds Like Crazy With a Simple Daily Ritual <<
Article Source:
Cleanse Your Colon and Lose 10 Pounds In 7 Days With This Secret Weight Loss Tips
Reviewed by Lily
June 17, 2020