Green tea (and oolong tea) has been heavily marketed as a miracle weight loss supplement in recent years. There is no doubting its fat burning qualities, but are most green tea supplements nothing more than just hype?
For me, tea is a delicious alternative to water. And if you're not into hot drinks you can always serve it cold; serve it over ice for ice tea! Like I've already touched upon, there is no need for anything more than the good old tea bag in my opinion.
Can Green Tea Help You Me Lose Weight?
Be warned, heavily marketed supplements containing tea extracts are over-hyped. But that doesn't mean green tea doesn't have fat burning qualities. There is some evidence to suggest that it can aid weight loss.
It is a natural source of the fat burner caffeine. However, unlike coffee it won't increase your heart rate uncomfortably or give you a light headed buzz because it delivers a conservative dose.
So far so good then. But there is more than just caffeine to this tea's box of tricks...
The Fat Burning Power Of Antioxidants
Green tea is rich in EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate), which is a powerful antioxidant. It is able to raise metabolic rate (combined with caffeine for a double whammy), and it's also being studies for its ability to prevent cancer.
Did you know that research has shown that EGCG is 200 times more powerful than vitamin E as an antioxidant?
There are loads of studies on green tea and its benefits. Check out pubmed and the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition for some good ones.
So green tea contains two metabolic boosting, natural chemicals and has high antioxidant activity. But would you believe it, I'm not done with the list of benefits yet...
Glucose Regulator
As you know, one of the most potent fat storing hormones is insulin. Insulin is released to combat the rise in blood sugar levels that follow most meals. However, green tea can actually slow the release of sugar into the blood, which means less of an insulin response.
So if you want to store less body fat and control your junk food cravings then a cup of green tea with every meal would not be a bad idea.
It is able to accomplish this by slowing down the digestive enzyme amalase. This enzyme is key in the process that breaks starches (carbs) down into sugars. By slowing this process blood sugar levels are kept at a regular level.
Store Less Fat
Green tea may also inhibit another digestive enzyme, the fatty acid synthase. This enzyme is involved in the process of turning carbohydrates into fat. Scientists are beginning to understand how inhibiting this enzyme can lead to a reduction in body fat percentage.
There is also evidence to show that LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglyceride levels can be reduced.
So then, green tea is providing us with fat burning benefits from several mechanisms. And like I've said already, all you need is several cups of tea a day; there's no need for expensive supplements.
Research has shown that the benefits to drinking green tea kick in after 2 to 3 cups. And don't forget that oolong, chamomile and black teas etc all have their own set of unique antioxidants benefits on offer, so why not experiment a little? Always go for organic tea from a well-known brand.
If hot drinks aren't up your street then you can chill your tea blend down and serve over ice. It is worth noting that you should never pour boiling hot water over your tea bag as it can damage the antioxidants contained within. Just let the kettle cool off for a moment or leave you water to stand for several minutes before adding the tea bag.
One final tip before I go: never add sugar or artificial sweeteners to your tea. This will ruin the potential health benefits and add on a load of empty calories.
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Found this article interesting? There is more out there than just green tea that can help you get in shape. Check out a full List Of Fat Burning Foods [] for some more delicious ideas. Next up in my List Of Fat Burning Foods series: Dark Chocolate.
Article Source:
Fat Burning Tea To Lose Belly Fat Fast - Super food for fat burning
Reviewed by Lily
June 18, 2020