Does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight? Here's the truth about drinking apple cider vinegar to get thin.
This home-remedy has been used as a way to drop pounds for years. Some people swear by it. But does it work?
My own experience is that it does.
I have a lot of weight to lose, and I started working on the first of September. In a month, I dropped 18 pounds with an attitude adjustment and a get thin program.
Then on October 2, I got bronchitis. I was very ill for a month. In the second week of coughing my head off, I was looking for natural remedies for cough and I read one that suggested combining apple cider vinegar and raw honey in warm water.
I figured it couldn't hurt me and it just might help, so I started drinking it. It did help my coughing, so I kept drinking it at least once a day.
Before my cough was completely gone, though, one of my coughing fits pulled a muscle in my rib cage area. I could barely move for two more weeks.
During that time, I was feeling kind of down, so I turned to comfort food. I set aside my intention to get thin and ate what I wanted. I had lots of refined carbs, including pizza and biscuits. I drank wine. And of course, I wasn't exercising because I couldn't move without severe pain.
I kept drinking the vinegar.
I had weighed myself at the end of my cough, before the muscle pull, and I'd not lost or gained any weight. When I finally started moving again, I weighed myself again. I'd dropped eight pounds.
That's eight pounds down doing no exercise and not eating healthy. The only thing I was doing was having about 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar a day.
Many others have had similar experiences.
So why drinking apple cider vinegar help you get skinny? Researchers have concluded that the combination of nutrients and enzymes it are responsible for increasing your metabolism. Some studies have shown it also suppresses the appetite. Recent studies have focused on the fact that the vinegar prevents the blood sugar levels in your body from rising, which reduces the amount of insulin your body needs to process your food. These leads to fat loss. And experiential evidence shows that it prevents water retention.
Now, my eight pound loss aside, organized studies and most people who use this weight loss remedy, find that it's not a quick fix. If you don't combine it with a get thin program of healthy eating and fat burning exercise, it won't melt away pounds.
So does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight? Yes. Drinking apple cider can help your efforts to get thin. But it's not a magic potion. You still need a good fat burning program.
Knowledge is one thing; action is another. Discover the attitude adjustment you must make if you want to get rid of fat []. Then get find the best diet and exercise program to get thin [] and have the body you want.
Article Source:
Fat Burning Apple Cider Vinegar Drink To Lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks
Reviewed by Lily
June 28, 2020