6 surprising Uses Of Peppermint Oil - Beneficial Uses of Peppermint Oil

Peppermint or mint as it is commonly called has a scientific name of Mentha x piperita. This is a herb produced mostly in the United States of America and is used as a flavoring agent, a medicine, a perfume and many other things. Some of the peppermint medicinal properties are as explained below. 

The oil from peppermint is extracted and is used for curing coughs and colds. You can get small bottles of the oil which can be externally applied to the nose and chest and this dissolves the accumulated cough. 

For many decades, Ayurveda has been recommending oil from mint for indigestion. When the stomach gets upset, it is recommended that the oil be consumed in the form of gelatin capsules or the oil itself. It cures all metabolic disorders. 

When you get headaches due to tension or excessive exposure to the sun, you can apply a mild form of mint oil on the forehead. This relaxes the tensed nerves and reduces the pain as well. There are notable peppermint oil headache benefits and use it to experience them. 

The best use of oil from peppermint is done in mouth fresheners and toothpastes. These are known to reduce foul breath and the oil from mint is the main ingredient. Along with the oil, lemon juice and tea tree oil are also used as mouth fresheners. 

Any kind of nasal accumulation or congestion can be cleared with the help of peppermint oil. Blockages are reduced drastically and this helps in better breathing. 

People face nausea due to car sickness or due to bad smell. In this case, oil extracted from mint is used in reducing the nauseated feeling and recover back the nasal senses. Use of this small herb is done in cooking as well. The oil is used while making rice or in salads to give an extra flavor and taste. 

Visit a natural health care site that is your most comprehensive source for new health natural [http://www.newhealthnatural.com/] information on the web. There is extensive information on peppermint oil [http://www.newhealthnatural.com/peppermint-oil/] and its properties. 
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5065137
6 surprising Uses Of Peppermint Oil - Beneficial Uses of Peppermint Oil 6 surprising Uses Of Peppermint Oil - Beneficial Uses of Peppermint Oil Reviewed by Lily on July 22, 2020 Rating: 5
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