The coconut is truly an amazing food. Having a composition that is predominantly medium-chain fatty acids, or MCFA's is what makes coconut oil so unique. Most foods contain large-chain fatty acids, or LCFA's. So what does this mean? Our bodies process and metabolize fatty acids differently. MCFA's have been shown to help with heart health. It has also been shown to be easy to digest.
Coconut oil is also unique in the fact that it does not affect cholesterol negatively. We can go on and on about the health benefits since there are so many!
One of the major benefits of cooking with coconut oil is that it is extremely heat stable. Other oils, including olive oil, cannot stand up to higher temperatures. Olive oil is great for salad dressings, but definitely stick to coconut oil for cooking! But, it can serve many other purposes, it does not only have to be reserved for cooking.
The oil coming from coconuts is an awesome skin and hair conditioner. You can smooth it all over your body, after bathing or showering and within several minutes, the oil absorbs into your skin and your skin feels soft and supple. Even try adding some to your bath- it's a great way to soften skin with an all-natural ingredient. It is great as a hair product, as well. Depending on how thick your hair is, apply a small amount to hair before styling. Style as usual, and if needed, add a small amount to the hair after it is styled to add shine and manageability.
There are tons of people that use coconut products exclusively on their bodies. They mix in baking soda for a toothpaste or use it as a deodorant. Its antiseptic qualities make it a great choice for a natural deodorant.
There are lists dedicated exclusively to the multiple uses of coconut oil. There are also seemingly endless new uses coming out online. People seem to spend a lot of time figuring out new ways of using it. There are tons of recipes featuring coconut oil, other than just using it as a cooking oil. It has a distinct sweet taste which makes it a great addition to many dessert foods. Many tropical cultures use coconut oil almost exclusively for cooking. These same cultures have relied on coconut oil for centuries to serve their needs for cooking and, conditioning of hair and skin.
If you wanted to give it a try, Amazon has some great deals and you won't believe how long it will last, you can also read the reviews there as well.
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Robert A. Goodwin
Article Source:
Top Benefits And Uses Of Coconut Oil - The Many Uses of Coconut Oil
Reviewed by Lily
July 21, 2020