A magnesium deficiency can produce symptoms that are so wide in range, and may not be severe enough to suspect disease. Every day annoyances such as fatigue, headaches, irritability, and carbohydrate cravings lead you to drink a little more coffee, grab some chocolate for a snack (chocolate has magnesium in it!), or reach for an OTC painkiller. Yet, adding some magnesium to your diet may make all these magnesium deficiency signs disappear.
Working out, dance, sports training, cheer leading, stressing, panicking, and just plain living produces perspiration. Essential minerals such as potassium, zinc, copper, calcium and magnesium are eliminated by the body.
Replacing these minerals can be partially achieved by including fresh green vegetables in your daily diet. The greener the food, the more magnesium you get. The importance of magnesium is related to the 300 plus biochemical activities it sparks or improves. Your absorption of other minerals and vitamins is greatly enhanced.
This vital role of magnesium increases your bone density, heart health, muscle function, neurological function, carbohydrate tolerance, digestion, and more.
Logically, the deficiency of this leading mineral results in:
- weaker bones
- muscle spasms, twitches, tics and muscle tension
- heart beat irregularity
- anxiety and panic attacks
- fatigue including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- difficulty breathing, including asthma
- carbohydrate intolerance including Type II Diabetes
- poor sleeping, with poorer mental performance et al
- constipation, bloating, and gas
The general agreement about dosage for a magnesium supplement is that around 1000 mg or less per day is safe. Yet note that magnesium toxicity is rare, and related to kidney failure. A health practitioner may suggest an even higher dose for you. It depends on the way the brand you pick has mixed the magnesium. A dose containing 400 mg of the mineral may offer a lesser amount of pure elemental magnesium.
There are no easy magnesium tests to determine if you are low in magnesium. Every organ and tissue in your body would have to be assessed, because magnesium isn't just floating around in your blood.
Non-medical health practitioners will often suggest a magnesium supplement at the outset of formulating a protocol to increase your health. Medical doctors interested in nutrition will too. This is because the deficiency in magnesium is now considered widespread and related to a general lack of well being. You may even read the word "epidemic" on this topic. Why is this?
In the industrialized world, processed foods do not offer magnesium. If you don't have time to make fresh food for your meals, you are missing good nutrition.
Even green vegetables and salads will lack minerals if they are chemically fertilized. Opt for the organically grown foods, and you'll be better off. This issue of soil depletion is huge, and affects our health in many ways.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7233588
9 Signs You Immediately Need More Magnesium & How To Get It!
Reviewed by Lily
July 08, 2020