Some people who want to lose weight may have never thought of natural appetite suppressant foods. These natural food suppressants will help you in shedding weight and will make you feel that you are full. Thus, you would not feel the need to eat most of the time.
Apples are one of the top of the natural foods that suppresses the appetite. It makes you feel full because of the rich fiber content. If you are not aware of it yet, one benefit of eating an apple is that it takes quite a while to digest. It is suggested that when eating an apple you should chew it properly. Why? It is because it takes 20 minutes for the brain to recognize that your stomach is full.
Green tea is a healthy beverage that helps your body releases the hormone that is responsible in curbing your appetite. Green tea can also speed up in burning the excess fats. Another hunger suppressant is the oatmeal. Eating it for your breakfast is best ways to suppress your appetite because of its main components that take a while to torch down. Oat meal, including Flaxseed, is also rich in fiber which gives you a longer fuller feeling. Flaxseed can be combined with your oatmeal because it will add flavor plus it doubles the appetite suppression.
Consuming a huge bowl of vegetable salad before every meal will slow down the process of glucose from getting into the blood stream. The glucose is responsible for making you feel hungry. If you are determined to lose weight and you always feel hungry all the time, then you can opt to take soups to inhibit the need to eat. Make sure to have broths or clear vegetables instead of the creamy soups.
Two of the best choices of appetite suppressants are chocolate and coffee. It has to be pure dark chocolate because its bittersweet taste will give you a very satisfying feeling. As for coffee, a cup or two with non-fat cream without sugar is best to keep your cravings at bay. Other natural appetite suppressant foods are whey protein powder, vegetable juice, pine nuts and water.
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Control Hunger Cravings Naturally With These Appetite Suppressant Foods
Reviewed by Lily
July 07, 2020