Top 5 Foods for Hypothyroidism

Great, let's add another medical issue that we have to deal with in our daily routines - hypothyroidism. As we get older we realize that we need to exercise more and eat right so we change up our diets and try to somehow add exercise into our daily routines. Sometimes, it just doesn't help so we meet with our doctor to find out that we have hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is basically when the thyroid functions simply slow down; what then does the doctor say in response to this condition? Change your diet; so what are the best foods for hypothyroidism? 

The best foods that are beneficial to increasing the thyroid production are ones that have Tyrosine which is amino acid. Tyrosine will bind with iodine and together produce Thyroxine which is what the thyroid requires to function at a "normal" speed. By the way, iodized salt incorporates iodine which reduces swelling of the thyroid gland which is visible in the next around the Adams's Apple. Let's review the top foods that can assist in thyroid hormone production. 

Meat (specifically turkey, chicken (breast)

Dairy (yogurt, low fat milk)

Fish (salmon, tuna, shell fish, salt water fish)

Fruit/Vegetables (bananas, avocados, garlic, broccoli, almonds)

Vitamins (Vitamin D (sunlight), Tyrosine supplement, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamins A, C and E)

Protein is important as this is what the glands are derived from. Most dairy products contain Tyrosine as they are a by-product from the animals in which we get our protein (meat) from. The category of fish is important as they contain iodine. Specific fruits and vegetables provide Tyrosine and various vitamins and minerals. The standard addition to our diets to help balance what we don't get from the foods is a multi-vitamin. In addition, there are more specific vitamins and supplements that can be taken as well to help increase the functioning speed of the thyroid. 

It has been noted that some Goitrogenic foods, ones that interfere with the thyroid hormone production, can be helpful if they are cooked. These foods include, but not limited to, peanuts, peaches, cauliflower, radishes and kale. You can also add cold-pressed olive oil and garnish with fresh parsley (for Vitamin C). Without taking a course regarding understanding exactly what each food item can provide, use your best judgment, do some research and talk with your doctor about what the foods for hypothyroidism are. 

For more useful information on Hypothyroidism, check out Hypothyroidism Diet [] also, visit foods for Hypothyroidism [] 
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Top 5 Foods for Hypothyroidism Top 5 Foods for Hypothyroidism Reviewed by Lily on August 03, 2020 Rating: 5
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